Pupils dress-up to enjoy their 'Darwin Day'

Schools have enjoyed a special day of education celebrating one of Shrewsbury's most famous sons.

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Enjoying Darwin Day at St Georges Junior School is Mini Darwin on the chair Flynn Parry, 7, and with him is Monkey: Kelly Lee and two little Einsteins: Ashton Morris 10 and Olivia Caffrey 11.(COPYRIGHT SHROPSHIRE STAR)

Staff at St George's Junior School and Woodfield Infant School planned an interactive, fun-packed day for pupils on Thursday to learn about Charles Darwin, whom they had identified as a 'significant person' linked to their curriculum.

Mini Darwin on the chair is Flynn Parry 7, along with other scientists, animals.(COPYRIGHT SHROPSHIRE STAR)

Darwin, who was born in Shrewsbury in 1809, was best known for his contributions to evolutionary biology and his scientific text 'On the Origin of Species'.

Pupils from reception through to Year 6 learnt specific facts about Darwin from his place and year of birth through to his findings regarding evolution.

They also enjoyed dressing up for the occasion.

Darwin (Jack Stuart 10), is pictured with Armadillo (Beck Preece).(COPYRIGHT SHROPSHIRE STAR)

Even the schools' catering teams got involved devising a Darwin-themed menu for the day which included 'Galapagos Catch of the Day' – a selection of fish served with seashell pasta and 'Darwin's Bird Hotpot' – chicken in gravy.

Headteacher Sharon Munroe said: "Celebrating the life of Shrewsbury born Charles Darwin has been a great opportunity to empower pupils’ curiosity regarding history, geography and scientific purposes and concepts."